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How To Kiss For The First Time

How to seduce a hot woman, so you can have a hot sex with her. Learn how to kiss before you ask your sexy girl to your bed or her bed. A hot sex also start with a good kiss. So, a good kiss is very important.

Don't let nerves ruin your first kiss. Follow VideoJug's guide to the perfect kiss, and kiss for the first time the way you always imagined.

Step 1: Imagine

Don't worry. We've all got an in-built ability to kiss -
even primates do it. So it's a natural phenomenon,
a bit like breathing, that is difficult to get wrong, and takes a surprisingly little amount of thought.

Evolution and Mother Nature are on your side - a powerful combination, when all that's going against you are a few nerves, and maybe bad breath.
Get yourself in the right frame of mind. Instead of dwelling on potential problems, imagine everything going really well. And when the big moment arrives your positive thinking will take over.

Step 2: Make it happen
Shyness is a natural part of your first kiss, and this will only be made more embarrassing by having an audience. Do what you can to escape sniggering friends and find some privacy.

If you're so shy you find it difficult to even be near the person you secretly like,
think of various kissing related games, such as 'spin the bottle' - where you spin a bottle on the ground, and whoever it points at, you must kiss. Or play Sardines, which doesn't involve kissing, but gives you the chance to seek out the person you want to kiss and hide with them.

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